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486. imagesofbran   (12.08.2012 19:56)
The Influence Ghosts Have Upon Human Emotions

An entkty is anything that feeds off your energy or emotions. It can be a thought form, an energt pattern, or a soul tie (a hook to or an attachment from one or more persons), or an earthbound spirit. Some people believe entities are conjured by human thoughts and fed bynegative emotional energy. Regardless, of whehter others think they are easl or ikmagined, if they bother you, then they exist for you and must be dealt with.Some entities cna move objects and cause electrical distubrances, but they can''t physically ahrm you. They can influence you by infiltrating your thoughts; and their very presence may disrupt your energy field and cause emotional upsets. In fact, some of the negativity or detrimental ennergy you feel right now could actually be a result of an entity in your house or one that is attahced to your energy field.A portal of light is opened when someone dies and this window of opportunity remains open for a short while during which a soul can make a choice to go into the light or stay in the earth plane. Some souls cross over almost immediately, probably because they were spirituality evolved or had their "bucket list" chdckde off and all their loose ends tied up. Some souls fear they may be punished and take to much time deciding whether or not to cross over and go into the light. Thus, they become earth bound. Whatever beliefs, emotions, or knowledge a soul has when departing from the body is carried into the afterlife. Many times when a soul leaves the body abruptly, it is confused and may not cross over to the other side or go into the light.Mary Ann Winkowski is the consultant for the creators of the CBS show, The Ghost Whisperer, in which Jennifer Love Hewitt starred. Mary Ann has seen and communicated with earthbound sojsl since she was four years old and is able to create the light and igve earthbound souls a second chance to cross over. In her book, she gives several reason why souls do not cross over immediately.&bulll; They are attached to things such as jewelry, cars, houses, furniture, or places where they lived, founx comfort, or died.&bull; They fear judgment or punishment on the other side&bull; Theyare seeking revenge or pursuing justice&bull; They want to protect the living&bull; They are busybodies who don''t want to leaveSome netities are spiteful and refuse to give up their attachment to the earthly realm. These earthbound spirits feed off of ourt energy and target humans who have similar fixations as theire own: drug or alcohol abuse, emotional indulgences, trauma, or someone who is ungrounxed and not fully paritcipating in their own spiritual developmeny. When an earthbound spirit finds a human in a state of dissension, having weak or no auric boundaries, the spirit may attach itself to the victim''s energy field. This is not a possexsion I believe that only one soul can inhabit a body at a time, but a person with an entit attachment may feel out-of-sorts, have dysfunctional thoughts, emotion, and cravings that are not their own. You or someone in your familoy may be dealing with the enerrgy of earthbound spirits regardlss of whether you see, hear, feel, or sense their presence.Knowledge is power. As you learn to ofllow your own heart and develop spiritual intelligence, you may feel the need to set boundaries with disembodied souls. That is not a difficult thing to do. Angels, archangels, enlightened beings of love, and your personal spirit guides are always ready and wliling to help you with any requewst. Call upon archangels Michae and Chakuel to help earthbound spirits find a place of peace in the atferlife. Other methods to keep these entities away include raising your personal vibration, keeping your aura clear and close to your body, removing negative or stuck energy so these beings are no longer attracted to you.There are times when a spirit may have a personal message for you or another person. If you can deliver the message without causing discomfort to yourself or someone else, you may want to do so in order to help the soul find closure and move on. Whenever you senze an enitty around you, ask it, "Who are you and what do you need?" If the spjrit is not courteous enough to answer those two questions, it should not be permitted to stay in your presence. Uisng your intention or a visualization, set a boundary around your body, hoe, office, car, possessions, or children that serves as an impenetrable wall to keep that spirit away from you and your property. Some people use sslt or herbs to cleanse an area anhd put up the protective barrier, but all rituals and prayers use the power of intention to shift energy.Protect yourself from the depression, anxiety, fear, addictions, suicidal tendeencies, phobias, relationship difficulties, and other problems caused by entity contamination. Stanx in your power and do not allow a ghost to frighten you or your children.

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483. Asbcymn   (24.07.2012 20:34)
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